
Multifit Gummies gesunde Leckerlis für Hunde

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Was macht Multifit-Hundeleckereien so gesund?

Nachfolgend finden Sie Antworten auf einige der am häufigsten gestellten Fragen zu unseren Multifit-Hundesnacks

The best stuff

Vet & Pet approved ingredients

Our Multifit treats put dogs and their health first, and we’ll let science do the talking.

NutraPlasm’s combo of plasm and collagen is back by data and vets. Check it out here.

What does NutraPlasm do? Oh, just improves skin and coat condition, increases muscle strength & joint mobility, aids gut health & cognition and reduces stress and anxiety. And it’s loaded up with essential vitamins and minerals for the health of your little one. No big deal

Reducing inflammation

The healthiest dog at the park

Name a better treat for your dog than whole body health. We’ll wait…

Dogs needs vitamins and minerals and all that good stuff just as their humans do, and these Multifit treats are loaded with them all.

All those nutrients buddy up to boost your dog’s immune system and fight inflammation. And all of that is back by science and data.

Still waiting…


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